User Agreement

The ownership and operation of this software are held by Black Horse Studio. In these terms of service, "the company" is sometimes referred to as "we". "User" or "you" refers to individuals or single entities who obtain software products and license authorization through the means provided by the company. This "Agreement" describes the rights and responsibilities between the company and you regarding the use of Black Horse Accelerator and related matters. Using this service will be considered as your agreement to the following terms of use.

Unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this agreement, you are not authorized to download, install, or use this software and related services. Your download, installation, use, login, or recharge actions will be regarded as you having read and agreeing to be bound by the above agreement. If you do not agree with any or all of the terms of this agreement, especially those terms that may significantly impact your rights, do not proceed to the next step or use this service in any form of acceptance (including but not limited to clicking agree, accept, or next, entering the purchase process, accepting gifts, conducting or participating in any transactions or activities related to this service, or any other form of confirmation). By clicking agree, accept, enable, or next, or by authorizing login, or using any user service related to Black Horse Accelerator, you are considered to have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this agreement, which will then become legally effective between you and the Black Horse Team. If you are under 18 years old, please read this agreement and other mentioned agreements under the supervision of a legal guardian, and particularly note the terms for minors. You can use the services we provide only after the legal guardian has reviewed and agreed. If you or the guardian disagrees with any part of this agreement, you should immediately stop using our services.

  • I. Scope of the Service License
  • 1.1 The Black Horse Team grants you a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use this software. You may install, use, display, and run this software on a single terminal device for non-commercial purposes.
  • 1.2 You may make one copy of this software in a computer-readable form for the purpose of backup. The backup copy must contain all the copyright information contained in the original software.
  • 1.3 Any other rights not expressly granted in this clause and other terms of this agreement remain reserved by the Black Horse Team, and you need to obtain written permission from the Black Horse Team when exercising these rights. If the Black Horse Team does not exercise any of the aforementioned rights, it does not constitute a waiver of that right.
  • II. Obtaining the Software
  • 2.1 You can obtain this software directly from the service’s website or from an authorized third party by the Black Horse Team.
  • 2.2 If you obtain this software or an installation program with the same name as this software from a third party not authorized by the Black Horse Team, the Black Horse Team cannot guarantee that the software can be used normally and is not responsible for any losses caused to you as a result.
  • III. Installation and Uninstallation of the Software
  • 3.1 The Black Horse Team may develop different versions of the software for different terminal devices. You should choose the appropriate version for installation according to the actual situation, and you may not install this software on other terminal devices not expressly authorized by the Black Horse Team. The Black Horse Team is not responsible for any risks or losses caused by your failure to correctly install the appropriate version of the software.
  • 3.2 After downloading the installation program, you need to follow the steps prompted by the program to correctly install it.
  • 3.3 To provide better quality and safer services, the Black Horse Team may recommend you install other software during the installation of this software. You can choose to install or not install it.
  • 3.4 If you no longer need to use this software or need to install a new version of the software, you can uninstall it yourself. If you are willing to help the Black Horse Team improve product services, please inform the reason for uninstallation.
  • IV. Software Updates
  • 4.1 To enhance user experience and improve service content, the Black Horse Team will continuously develop new services and provide software updates from time to time (these updates may take the form of software replacement, modification, function enhancement, version upgrade, etc.).
  • 4.2 To improve user experience and ensure the security and functionality of the service, the Black Horse Team has the right to update the software or change or limit some of the software's functional effects without special notice to you.
  • 4.3 After the release of a new version of the software, the old version of the software may not be usable. The Black Horse Team does not guarantee that the old version of the software will continue to be available and will provide corresponding customer service. Please check and download the latest version at any time.
  • V. Intellectual Property
  • This software is developed by Black Horse Studio. The trademark, copyright, and all intellectual property rights of the software, as well as all information content related to the software, including but not limited to: text descriptions and their combinations, icons, graphics, charts, color schemes, interface designs, layout frameworks, relevant data, printed materials, or electronic documents, are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties and other intellectual property laws and regulations.
  • VI. User Privacy Policy
    • Respecting the personal privacy of users is a fundamental policy of the company. Therefore, the company generally will not disclose, edit, or disclose the registration information of users or the non-public content stored in the company’s services, except when the company believes in good faith that disclosing this information is necessary in the following situations:
      • To comply with relevant laws and regulations, including providing user-published content and its publication time, internet address, or domain name when queried by relevant national authorities.
      • To comply with the service's service procedures.
      • To protect and maintain the company's trademarks and other intellectual property rights.
      • To strive to maintain the privacy and safety of users and the public in emergencies.
      • Other situations deemed necessary by the studio.
    • To understand the specific data protection measures of this service, please read the privacy policy of this service. This policy explains how this service will handle your personal information and how to protect your privacy rights when you use this service. You agree to use your data in compliance with this service's privacy policy.
  • VII. Prohibited User Actions
    • Users should use this software in accordance with the agreement and the law. Users are prohibited from engaging in, including but not limited to, the following actions:
      • Modifying, adapting, translating this service, creating derivative works of this service, decompiling, reverse engineering, disassembling, or obtaining the source code of this service by other means.
      • Deleting, obscuring, or altering the company's or any third party's copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices.
      • Using this software to publish, transmit, disseminate, or store content that infringes on the intellectual property rights, trade secrets, or other legal rights of others.
      • Using this software to publish, transmit, disseminate, or store content that violates national laws, endangers national security, unification, and social stability, or any inappropriate, insulting, defamatory, obscene, violent, or content that violates national laws and regulations.
      • Unauthorized use, copying, modification, linking, reprinting, compiling, publishing, or establishing mirror sites of information related to this software, or developing derivative products, works, services, etc. related to this software without authorization.
      • Using this software to engage in any behavior that endangers computer network security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts; unauthorized access to public computer networks or other computer systems and deleting, modifying, or adding stored information; unauthorized probing, scanning, or testing of the software system or network for weaknesses or other behaviors that undermine network security; attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of the software system or website, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other behaviors that interfere with normal network information services; forging IP data packets; using the software for virtual currency collection and trading activities without permission.
  • VIII. User Precautions
    • 8.1 You understand and agree that in order to provide you with effective services, this software will utilize your terminal's processor and bandwidth resources. Data traffic charges may be incurred during the use of this software. Users need to understand the relevant tariff information from the operator and bear the related costs. The Black Horse Team does not guarantee that all third-party games and other products can be accelerated or provided with the services agreed in this agreement. The Black Horse Team has the right to decide the types and quantities of third-party games or software supported according to product strategies and other reasons. You hereby agree and assume the resulting legal responsibility.
    • 8.2 When you use a specific service of this software, that service may have a separate agreement, related business rules, etc. (collectively referred to as "separate agreements"). Please read and agree to the relevant separate agreements before using the service.
    • 8.3 You understand and agree that the Black Horse Team will make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the security of your data storage in this software and services, but the Black Horse Team cannot provide a complete guarantee, including but not limited to the following situations:
      • 8.3.1 The Black Horse Team is not responsible for the deletion or storage failure of relevant data in this software and services;
      • 8.3.2 The Black Horse Team has the right to decide the maximum storage period for data of a single user in this software and services and the maximum storage space for data allocated on the server according to actual situations. You can back up the relevant data in this software and services according to your own needs;
      • 8.3.3 If you stop using this software and services or the services are terminated or canceled, the Black Horse Team can permanently delete your data from the server. After the service is stopped, terminated, or canceled, the Black Horse Team is not obliged to return any data to you.
    • 8.3.4 You fully understand and agree that you can upload or publish original opinions, data, text, information, usernames, images, photos, personal information, audio, video files, links, and other information content using this software and services. You must ensure that you own the copyright of the information content you upload or have obtained legal authorization, and that any behavior of using this software and services does not infringe the legal rights of any third party. You are responsible for all such behaviors under your login account and bear the responsibility. You should judge the content in this software and services by yourself and bear the risks that are beyond the control of the Black Horse Team, including but not limited to:
      • 8.3.5 The risk of loss, leakage, etc. of personal information caused by force majeure;
      • 8.3.6 Users must select a software version that matches their computer equipment; otherwise, any issues or damages caused by the software not matching the equipment are the user's own responsibility;
      • 8.3.7 The risk caused by accessing third-party products through this software lies with the user;
      • 8.3.8 The risk of login failure, incomplete data synchronization, slow page opening speed, etc. due to unstable network signals or insufficient network bandwidth;
      • 8.3.9 The risk and responsibility of content published by users being forwarded, shared, and disseminated by others.
  • IX. Paid Membership Services
    • 9.1 Paid Membership Services
      • 9.1.1 The Black Horse Team will provide users with free or paid services related to this service according to operational needs. The Black Horse Team has the right to adjust part or all of this service to a paid service and has the right to formulate charging standards, charging methods, and other rules. You can accept or refuse paid services. If you choose to use paid services, you need to pay the fees; if you refuse to pay the fees, the Black Horse Team has the right to stop providing services to you and has the right to claim breach of contract liability.
      • 9.1.2 The specific content of the service you enjoy may vary due to factors such as level, whether it is an annual fee system, the opening period, and the specific service category you choose. Generally, you will enjoy more services in the case of higher levels, opening annual fee services, or longer opening periods. The specific content is subject to the relevant service pages and the actual services provided.
      • 9.1.3 You understand and agree that the specific services you can use may vary due to different software versions, devices, operating systems, and other third-party reasons after you activate this service through the channels designated by the Black Horse Team. You understand the inconvenience this may cause and will not make any claims or hold the Black Horse Team responsible.
      • 9.1.4 You understand and agree that the Black Horse Team has the right to adjust this service, which may affect the rights you enjoy or are enjoying. You agree to use the service according to the adjusted content and do not hold the Black Horse Team responsible.
    • 9.2 Service Activation
      • 9.2.1 You should activate this service by paying a certain fee through the means currently available or designated in the future by the Black Horse Team, including but not limited to bank cards, WeChat Pay, Alipay, etc.
      • 9.2.2 After this service is activated, you cannot transfer it to a third party.
      • 9.2.3 You may not activate this service for yourself or others through any of the following methods:
        • For profit, operational, or non-personal use purposes to activate this service for yourself or others;
        • Activating this service for yourself or others through any program or software, such as robot software, spider software, crawler software, screen-scraping software, etc.;
        • Activating this service for yourself or others through any improper means or in violation of the principle of good faith;
        • Activating this service for yourself or others through non-designated methods by the Black Horse Team;
        • Activating this service for yourself or others by infringing the legal rights of the Black Horse Team or others;
        • Activating this service for yourself or others by violating relevant laws, administrative regulations, and national policies.
      • 9.2.4 The Black Horse Team has the right to independently judge your transactions and usage behavior. If the Black Horse Team determines that there may be risks, it has the right to refuse to activate this service for you, refuse your use of Black Horse Team products, and freeze or permanently ban the account deemed abnormal. This right does not constitute an obligation or promise of the Black Horse Team, and the Black Horse Team cannot guarantee timely detection or handling of violations.
    • 9.3 Service Term
      • 9.3.1 The service term of this service is subject to the term you choose and pay the corresponding service fee for. You can also log in to the corresponding page of this service to check.
      • 9.3.2 The maximum service term of this service may be subject to certain limitations, as specified by the rules set by the Black Horse Team.
  • X. Disclaimer
    • 10.1 You understand and agree that during the use of this service, you may encounter risks such as force majeure, which may affect this service. Force majeure refers to objective events that are unforeseeable, insurmountable, and unavoidable, causing significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics, storms, and social events such as wars, riots, government actions, as well as unexpected events such as failures of domestic and foreign basic telecom operators, computer or internet technology defects, computer viruses, hacker attacks, etc. In the event of the above situations, the Black Horse Team will strive to cooperate with relevant units to handle it in a timely manner, and the Black Horse Team will refund the service fee for the unused service period after the occurrence of force majeure on a daily basis. However, the Black Horse Team is exempt from other losses caused to you within the legal scope.
    • 10.2 The Black Horse Team is not responsible for service interruptions or obstacles caused by the following situations:
      • Destruction by computer viruses, trojans, or other malicious programs, hacker attacks;
      • Failure of computer software, systems, hardware, and communication lines of the user or the Black Horse Team;
      • Improper user operation or user use of this service through non-authorized methods of the Black Horse Team;
      • Outdated program versions, aging equipment, and/or compatibility issues;
      • Other situations beyond the control or reasonable prediction of the Black Horse Team.
    • 10.3 You understand and agree that during the use of this service, you may encounter risks caused by network information or other user behavior. The Black Horse Team is not responsible for the authenticity, applicability, legality of any information, and is not responsible for any damages caused to you by infringing behaviors. These risks include but are not limited to:
      • Anonymous or impersonated information from others containing threats, defamation, offensive or illegal content;
      • Misleading, deceptive, or any other behavior from others that may cause or potentially cause any psychological, physical harm or economic loss;
      • Other risks caused by network information or user behavior.
    • 10.4 The Black Horse Team obtains the right to handle illegal content in accordance with this agreement. This right does not constitute an obligation or promise of the Black Horse Team, and the Black Horse Team cannot guarantee timely detection or handling of illegal behavior.
  • XI. Refund Policy
    • 11.1 Scope of Refunds (All conditions must be met)
      • 11.1.1 Refunds are given if the accelerator line issue causes it to be unusable, or if the line delay is too high/frequent packet loss persists for more than three days. Refunds are not given for other personal subjective reasons;
      • 11.1.2 Only new package orders can apply for a refund, renewal packages, package conversions, and other orders cannot be refunded;
      • 11.1.3 Each account can only apply for one refund.
    • 11.2 Non-refundable Cases (Any one of the following conditions will result in no refund)
      • 11.2.1 Exclusive IP membership orders do not support refunds;
      • 11.2.2 Hourly packages purchased in the internet cafe version do not support refunds;
      • 11.2.3 Promotional products or prizes do not support cash conversion or refunds;
      • 11.2.4 Orders resulting from invitation top-ups generate actual channel fees or cost expenditures on our side, so orders from invitation top-ups (including invitation codes) are not refundable;
      • 11.2.5 Packages purchased and activated through channels or agents are not refundable, please contact the channel or agent for processing;
      • 11.2.6 Package purchase errors are not refundable;
      • 11.2.7 Products that are not functioning well due to local environment issues are not refundable, such as weak wireless signal, high local network delay, or fluctuations in the telecommunications operator's network. The criteria are as follows: ping local gateway (delay over 1ms or fluctuations over ±1ms), (delay over 80ms), (delay over 80ms);
      • 11.2.8 Products suffering attacks, certain lines, or product services with temporary (not exceeding three days) network issues, access issues, or brief disconnections are not refundable. Generally, if a specific area's line is unavailable for more than 3 hours, the official will compensate affected users;
      • 11.2.9 Refunds are not given for subjective reasons such as not supporting a specific game, not wanting to play anymore, another accelerator has lower latency, or feeling that the game or product experience is not smooth;
      • Note: Some game official servers frequently malfunction or restrict regions or individual users, which is hard to define and not our responsibility, hence not refundable;
    • 11.3 Refund Rules (Please understand and be familiar with the following process)
      • 11.3.1 Contact customer service, state your refund reason and order number, provide username, game, game region, and used line information as requested by customer service, and cooperate with debugging. Only after confirming the issue can the refund process begin.
      • 11.3.2 Refunds are processed according to the payment order, not the account. Due to third-party system limitations, the refund amount will be credited before the 15th of the month following your application date (if there are holidays, it will be postponed). For example, refunds on April 1 or April 30 will be credited before May 15. WeChat account refunds may be delayed;
      • 11.3.3 Due to restrictions by third-party payment platforms like WeChat and Alipay, refunds are supported for orders made within a year at most;
      • 11.3.4 If you are refunding an hourly billing order, the refund amount calculation is as follows:
        • The refund will calculate the depreciation coefficient, for example, if the order validity period is one year and you refund after half a year, the depreciation coefficient is 0.5. Regardless of the refund, the necessary expenses for bandwidth resources, operational resources, and equipment resources are actually incurred based on the order's effectiveness;
        • For refunds, the used hours will be converted at a fixed price of 0.3 yuan per hour, not at the discounted rate minute count, because you did not fully use the minute count, so it cannot be converted under the discount conditions and is calculated at a fixed price of 0.3 yuan per hour;
        • A small fee (5 yuan) is charged for refunds because each order and refund incurs a fee paid to the payment system, also to prevent malicious repeat refund behavior;
        • If you have won a prize in Black Horse Team's activities, the corresponding value of the prize will be deducted during the refund; for example, if you win a mouse through your order, the corresponding value of the mouse will be deducted during the refund because we cannot support reclaiming your prize and cannot assess its residual value;
        • 11.4.5 After submitting your refund application and Black Horse Team confirms your refund, any accelerated time obtained in any form will be void, and you will no longer enjoy any services of Black Horse Accelerator.
        • 11.3.5 If you are refunding a monthly membership order, the refund amount calculation is as follows:
        • Each refund charges a 5 yuan fee;
        • Each refund deducts the package's used days * the daily unit price. The usage time starts from the time the refund application is initiated;
        • For refunds, SVIP used hours are converted at a fixed price of 1 yuan per day, and VIP used hours are converted at a fixed price of 0.4 yuan per day. The refund is based on this price, not affected by promotional discounts;
        • The maximum refund amount does not exceed the payment amount of the order. CDKEY, activation codes, trial cards, and other equivalents are not refundable. Orders purchased with CDKEY will revert the CDKEY usage status;
        • If the payment amount is less than the amount to be deducted (deduction amount = fee + used time cost), a refund is not possible;
        • Other benefits generated by the order, such as gifts, lotteries, commissions, etc., are all canceled upon refund, and the received gifts and prizes must be returned. If they cannot be returned, the refund cannot be completed;
        • After confirming the refund, the associated package of the order will be deleted. During the refund period, avoid using the accelerator, which may cause the account to be kicked out;
  • XII. Other Agreements
    • The final interpretation right of this agreement belongs to Black Horse Studio.